April 14, 2018

Immune mediators

Mediators of Immune Response. Medunitsyn NV. Russ J Immunol. 1999. Abstract The classification of mediators of immune response is referred to the organs, in which they […]
April 12, 2018

Auto immune disorders

What are autoimmune diseases? When the immune system functions normally, it produces a response intended to protect against harmful or foreign substances like bacteria, parasites, and […]
April 7, 2018

Fever therapy

Fever therapy: A treatment in which abnormal elevations in body temperature are used to treat disease. Fever therapy was done in the past but is rarely, […]
March 1, 2018

Diabtetes complications

بلڈ شوگر بڑھ جانا؛ سر سے پیر تک ذیابیطس کے شکار افراد کے لیے متعدد طبی پیچیدگیوں کا باعث بنتا ہے جن کے خطرات سے واقف […]
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